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Titel en schrijver
Asymmetry, Lisa Halliday
ISBN nr.
978 1 78378 362 5
Uitgeverij, drukjaar en drukversie
Granta, 2019, Eerste druk
Paperback of hardcover
Aantal pagina’s
275 pagina’s
Taal en categorie
Engels, Roman
Korte samenvatting
Asymmetry takes places in three different time periods in the 2000s.

Alice, a 25-year old, who works for a publishing company, starts an affair with a famous writer named Ezra Blazer. Both of them live and work in New York City and the story follows their affair as time goes on and many events happen in the world, most noticeably the start of the Iraq War. Because of Blazer’s fame, they spend their time together mostly inside his apartment, watching TV and discussing things like the 2003 and 2004 ALCS playoffs between the Red Sox and Yankees.

After a few years, in 2008, Amar Jaafari, an American citizen of Iraqi-Kurdish descent is being held for questioning at the London Heathrhow Airport on his way to Iraq. During the hours spent in detention he recalls his life in America, his visits to war-torn Iraq and his brother, a doctor who learned to play the piano during his childhood in America, who has since gone missing.

A couple more years have passed since, and during an interview with BBC radio, we learn that Ezra has finally won the Nobel Prize for literature. During this interview he mentions that a young friend of his has written a tiny novel.

Over de auteur
Lisa Halliday (geboren 12 juli 1976) is een Amerikaanse auteur.

Ze groeide op in de staat Massachusetts en woont tegenwoordig in Milaan. Haar werk is eerder gepubliceerd geweest in The Paris Review. In 2017 ontving ze een Whiting Award voor fictie.

Haar debuutroman, Asymmetry, heeft veel positieve reacties van de media gekregen waaronder The New Yorker die het een “literair fenomeen” noemt, en The New York Times die het in hun lijst van “15 remarkable books by women that are shaping the way we read and write fiction in the 21st century.”

Barack Obama heeft Asymmetry in zijn lijst van Beste Boeken van 2018 geplaatst.

New Yorker: ‘A literary phenomenon’

New York Times Book Review: ‘Asymmetry is so strange and startlingly smart that its mere existence seems like commentary on the state of fiction’

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